Almost every gym-goer has tried it at least once or have seen somebody to drink it before their workout...
Is there a need for it?
Well there is no need for it but sometimes it's good to have one. We all remember when this products did not even exist a few years back and surprisingly we could train hard.
Can you get addictive to it?
Well it depends what’s your personal definition of addiction. The short simple answer imo is it cannot cause addiction but you have the power to develop your own addiction to it.
When you start to believe that the product itself gives you the power, you’ve given your power away to the product and became dependent on the product.
I’ve heard and seen many times when they said the training won’t go well because they haven’t had the pre-workout drink.
So what’s it for then?
To boost your EXISTING mood up a little.
If you’re not in the mood to train at all then it might be wiser to relax 15-20 min in the park or somewhere quiet. Or just simply go home, sleep and get back to the gym later or on the following day.
The world won’t stop spinning if you change your training schedule sometimes and your body will be sooo greatful.
Are there alternatives?
Yes. First and formost you can direct back your attention to the NOW moment and realise why you get to the gym. And just DO your session!
And also you can make short, quick and simple breath-work to wake yourself up.
what else?
Start to wrap your mind around the concepts what I am sharing, read it over and over again, slowly. It's not a 1-2-3 min read as the blog suggests... You need to get it and use it to your advantage.
Please feel free to leave a comment or drop me a PM to book a session.
#nowmoment, #timeisanilluison, #timeisyourcreation, #everymomentisanewchance, #selempowerment, #helpyourself, #empoweryourself, #empowerothers, #changeistheonlyconstant, #changeisastateofbeing, #thepastdoesntexist, #herenow, #hereandnow, #onlynow, #youliveinthenow, #breakthechain, #breakthecontinuity, #dontanchoryourslef, #stoplivinginthepast, #youcreatethefuture, #yourfutureisinyourhands, #change, #training, #goals, #traindifferent, #changeyourlife