If you don’t use the power of your mind while you want to reach your desired goal (to get bigger/leaner, to increase performance, for quicker/better recovery etc.) it's like you want to swim but without using your legs.
Why most people do not use the power of their mind during their journey?
Because they've not been taught that they've this power and how powerful they're or simply they've limiting beliefs.
For instance the power of your imagination, visualization, before, after and during your workout could help you to do a quantum jump in your process.
It’s totally up to you if you use these tools or not. It’s also absolutely fine if you keep fighting and choosing the hard way to reach your goal using the usual methods.
Please remember, you can use all these tools at anytime and for anything in your life, not only in sports.
There are infinite number of tools available for anybody. For example, you can use water and air to start with. Cold water and breath-work could help you a lot in the beginning.
what else?
Start to wrap your mind around the concepts what I am sharing, read it over and over again, slowly. It's not a 1-2-3 min read as the blog suggests... You need to get it and use it to your advantage.
Please feel free to leave a comment or drop me a PM to book a session.
#nowmoment, #timeisanilluison, #timeisyourcreation, #everymomentisanewchance, #selempowerment, #helpyourself, #empoweryourself, #empowerothers, #changeistheonlyconstant, #changeisastateofbeing, #thepastdoesntexist, #herenow, #hereandnow, #onlynow, #youliveinthenow, #breakthechain, #breakthecontinuity, #dontanchoryourslef, #stoplivinginthepast, #youcreatethefuture, #yourfutureisinyourhands, #change, #training, #goals, #traindifferent, #changeyourlife