I came across with this pic:
And the following quote with this photo:
"Nature is very wise. This is what happens when you're around the wrong person. You begin to break down, change physically and mentally, destroy your entire future, and become stuck in the past until you become nothing. Try to surround yourself with people who bring out the best version of yourself."
when you react unconsciously
Those who say, 'Oh, this is very true. Yes, life is like that,' and scroll down to the next great advice, are not realizing their own power and are powerless in a sense. (This is not good or bad; it's okay and this is only a perspective.)
And because of that, most of their days look like an uncontrollable roller-coaster ride full of stress with 'idiots' around them, and they react blindly to outside circumstances. This is also fine, and they can be easily manipulated.
i give you an empowering point of view
1st You're not a fruit, so comparing yourself to plants or animals doesn't make any sense. You're a human being and a unique individual. There's no one like you.
2nd You're capable of walking away from a situation if you don't like it.
3rd When you've met these so-called 'bad individuals,' you thought they were 'good/cool'. They did their job because showed you who you are not prefer to be. So, you cannot meet 'wrong people,' and you can use any situation in a positive way.
4th You cannot destroy your future because it's not fixed or chiseled in stone. Of course, if you think your life is over and messed up, this is what you are going to experience. This is also physics.
5th Nobody has the power to influence you nor has the power over you. YOU'RE matching your frequency to theirs and choosing to be influenced. This is simple physics.u or to influence you. YOU'RE matching your frequency to theirs and choosing to be influenced. This is simple physics.
Is this feel empowering to you?
How can you realize that you are out of balance and giving your power away? You complain, stress yourself out, blame others for your situation, feel constantly tired, angry and can be easily triggered by others or by the news, for example.
Be aware, because your tricky mind will tell you things like: 'I understand these, BUT...', 'I know all of these, BUT...', 'I am different (special) and it DOESN'T WORK for me...', 'Alright, it's not working for me, 'I have TRIED and it didn't work...', 'This is utter BULLSHIT...', 'Yes, this is a FAIRYTALE...'
Then have a big laugh it's only your mind playing with you.
what else?
Start to wrap your mind around the concepts what I am sharing, read it over and over again, slowly. It's not a 1-2-3 min read as the blog suggests... You need to get it and use it to your advantage.
Please feel free to leave a comment or drop me a PM to book a session.
#nowmoment, #timeisanilluison, #timeisyourcreation, #everymomentisanewchance, #selempowerment, #helpyourself, #empoweryourself, #empowerothers, #changeistheonlyconstant, #changeisastateofbeing, #thepastdoesntexist, #herenow, #hereandnow, #onlynow, #youliveinthenow, #breakthechain, #breakthecontinuity, #dontanchoryourslef, #stoplivinginthepast, #youcreatethefuture, #yourfutureisinyourhands, #change, #training, #goals, #traindifferent, #changeyourlife