There are plenty of outdated concepts circulating around in our society what we use in our daily life and they do not serve us anymore in a creative way...
what are these concepts?
For example:
„Only hard work pays off”,
„No pain, no gain” (you've to suffer to get something) perspectives are only perspectives.
"Hard working people get respected"
I find the „no pain, no gain” point of view a little bit outdated. Instead of that I prefer to use the „fantastic journey, great result” or „focused work, quicker result” point of view.
suffer required... really?!
You don't have to struggle or to fight to „get there”. Sure you can if you feel like or if you don’t know any better, but that’s not the only way. You might need to be persistent (focused) but it's not equal with suffering!
There are countless of exampless where we see people who LOVE what they do, they ENJOY what they do and make a great living from their "job".
"If you suffer and fight all the way to your goal and do not enjoy the process than why do you do it? Many times you get there tired, exhausted and even feel some kind of emptiness."
important question to ask from yourself!
Why the „no pain, no gain” narrative sounds more realistic than the one which is easy and joyfull? Ask this question from yourself and listen to your own answer.
From the point of life both ways are equal and equally valid. And you have the power to choose your way.
what else?
Start to wrap your mind around the concepts what I am sharing, read it over and over again, slowly. It's not a 1-2-3 min read as the blog suggests... You need to get it and use it to your advantage.
Please feel free to leave a comment or drop me a PM to book a session.
#nowmoment, #timeisanilluison, #timeisyourcreation, #everymomentisanewchance, #selempowerment, #helpyourself, #empoweryourself, #empowerothers, #changeistheonlyconstant, #changeisastateofbeing, #thepastdoesntexist, #herenow, #hereandnow, #onlynow, #youliveinthenow, #breakthechain, #breakthecontinuity, #dontanchoryourslef, #stoplivinginthepast, #youcreatethefuture, #yourfutureisinyourhands, #change, #training, #goals, #traindifferent, #changeyourlife