Those who want to change their LIFE during popular Life Changing Programs, simply want to change their physical look (most of the times to lose weight) in matter of weeks. Which is fine. But most of the times they get back where they have started.
change is not A CIRCUMSTANCE...
Change is a state of being! Those who WANT TO CHANGE their LIFE COMPLETLY, are willing to change their way of thinking.
When the penny drops and they recognise that their way of thinking got them to the point, where they feel shit/unconfortable enough then they’re ready to MAKE A CHANGE!
And physical changes in the body will follow imediately. But until then they just stay on the surface.
To CHANGE your LIFE is a decision, a choice, a MOMENT, here and now.
"The recognition of how your way of thinking effects your physical look, health and well being is undiscribable. But it’s only discoverable within."
As above so below. The outside is a reflection of the inside. Start the change within yourself.
MJ: Man in the mirror with lyrics:
what else?
Start to wrap your mind around the concepts what I am sharing, read it over and over again, slowly. It's not a 1-2-3 min read as the blog suggests... You need to get it and use it to your advantage.
Please feel free to leave a comment or drop me a PM to book a session.
#nowmoment, #timeisanilluison, #timeisyourcreation, #everymomentisanewchance, #selempowerment, #helpyourself, #empoweryourself, #empowerothers, #changeistheonlyconstant, #changeisastateofbeing, #thepastdoesntexist, #herenow, #hereandnow, #onlynow, #youliveinthenow, #breakthechain, #breakthecontinuity, #dontanchoryourslef, #stoplivinginthepast, #youcreatethefuture, #yourfutureisinyourhands, #change, #training, #goals, #traindifferent, #changeyourlife