You can learn zillions of tehniques, procedures, rituals to relax yourself. They are all equal and non of them are better than the others. The best is the one that works for you.
The most handy one I would say which is always available is your own BREATHING. You can count them, you can observe it, you can play with it. BUT do not force it, just observe how it happens automatically. Long exhalations (longer than the inhalation) help you to relax and slow down your heart rate.
“Nature is always there for most people. You can observe the sky while sitting in a park, take a walk around the lake or on the beach or on the river bank. Feel the sunshine or the moonlight on your skin. Use your imagination... You can even stand outside while it is raining, snowing, or in the wind and feel the connection with the elements.”
You can wonder as a child even to relax yourself. You can wonder about your own uniqueness, how your blood flows automatically in your body, how your organs are functioning without taking care of them in the moment... this could help you to realise how powerful life is.
I also like to use some of the Monroe techniques but to do this you need to have a headphone and to lay down in a quiet enviroment.
My other favourite technique to quiet the mind is pranayama.
When you start relax your conscious mind, you'll allow magic to happen
If you believe that you need to figure out everything including all the 'whens" and "hows" you are going to exhauste yourslef pretty quick. You will get so tired by the end of the day or the week, will get dried out and experience pain, suffering, limitations, illnesses more and more often. And you eventualy will break down. This is one of the main reason why relaxation is so important in our life.
In this state of being you'll be able to let crativity, happines flow through you and transform your life with ease and joy.
Please feel free to leave a comment or drop me a PM to book a session.
#transformyourself, #selfhelp, #selfempowerment, #relaxation, #itseasy, #start, #practice, #doit, #nolimits, #change, #empoweryourself, #youarepowerful, #doitnow, #bobmonroe, #monroetechniques, #mindfulness, #mindfullbreathing, #consciousbreathing, #pranayama, #play