Lighten you up!
Basics of working together
1. This is YOUR Life
2. No one can or should solve YOUR life situations!
3. Only YOU can do it!
what's going on?
Physical challenges
- Does it hurt here and there and you think it comes with age?
- Is your body not developing?
- Are you taking care of your health but getting sick more often?
Mental challenges
- Are you making a mess of yourself but getting nowhere?
- You should make a decision, but you can't?
- Everything around you is falling apart?
Emotional challenges
- Carrying your traumas and your parents' burdens?
- Are you feeling like shit, but you suppose to be strong?
- Are you heartbroken?
What's the solution?
2. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY! For everything! For your feelings, your thoughts, your condition and step out of the role of victim and blame.
3. TAKE ACTION! Because the language of physical reality is Action!!!
Contact me, if you feel able to do so at this time. I am not going to solve YOUR life either. But I will give you direction, tools, simple perspectives that work for me and many others. But to understand them, you have to be willing to step out of your own way at the very least.